Monday, January 25, 2010

Counselling Course 2010

tentative schedule

Session 1
27-6-10 (2.30 – 6.00pm)
Introduction to Course Requirements, Basic Counselling Skills
- Ms Margarita Malayapillay

Session 2
4-7-10 (2.30 – 6.00pm)
Advanced Counselling Skills – Egan’s The Skilled Helper Model, Dasie Model
- Ms Margarita Malayapillay

Session 3
11-7-10 (2.30 – 6.00pm)
Counselling Theories & Models, Ethics in Counselling - Prof Sue See

Session 4
17-7-10 Sat. (9.00 – 4.00pm)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Dr Lai Fong Hwa

Session 5
25-7-10 (2.30 – 6.00pm)
Crisis Intervention - Dr Lynne Yong
Psychological First Aid - Dr Lynne Yong
[First tape & transcript to be submitted]

Session 6
1-8-10 (2.30– 6.00pm)
Identifying Psychiatric Disorders, Supporting the Patient & Family
- Dr Bharathy

Session 7
8-8-10 (2.30 – 6.00pm)
Basic Relaxation Techniques
Gender Issues

Session 8
15-8-10 (2.30 - 6.00pm)
Counselling Children & Adolescents - Dr Zasmani Shafiee

Session 9
22-8-10 (2.30 - 6.00pm)
Suicide - Ms Margarita Malayapillay
Coping With Loss
[Second tape & transcript to be submitted]

Session 10
29-8-10 (2.30 – 6.00pm)
Understanding and Dealing with Addiction - Dr Dicky Ng

Session 11
19-9-10 (3.00 - 4.30pm)
Examination - Ms Margarita Malayapillay
[Journal together with final tape & transcript to be submitted]

Total credit hours: 34 hours
Course work requirements: 100%
2 tapes & transcript: 50%
Journal: 50%

Registration fee: RM250
Please email Nor for registration/enquiries.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Location map - Kompleks Masyarakat Penyayang

9 Tanda Amaran Kanser

  • Pendarahan dari faraj yang berlaku antara tempoh haid atau selepas putus haid
  • Benjolan pada payudara atau sebarang perubahan yang dikesan pada payudara
  • Perubahan pada amalan membuang air besar
  • Benjolan di leher yang tidak wujud sebelum ini
  • Suara garau lebih dari dua minggu
  • Pendarahan yang luar biasa dari hidung atau hilang pendengaran/telinga yang berdengung
  • Ulser yang tidak sembuh/benjolan/tompok-tompok putih dan merah di mulut
  • Sakit atau ketidakselesaan pada perut yang berterusan
  • Batuk yang berterusan dan kahak berdarah
Sekiranya anda mempunyai tanda-tanda di atas, dapatkan pemeriksaan doktor dengan segera.

Unit Kawalan Penyakit Tidak Berjangkit
Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Counselling Course 2009

Congratulations to all who have passed the Counselling Course 2009.

Participants can get their certificates, results and collect their course work items from Rumah Hospis from 9 January onwards.

Please call Devi at 04-228 4140.