Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is also known as colon cancer remains to be one of the deadliest cancer in Malaysia. The risk of developing colon cancer increases with age, especially among those above 50. Besides, certain lifestyle and personal choices are more likely to develop colon cancer such as smoking, unhealthy diet, alcohol consumption, obesity, and physical inactivity.

Colorectal cancer is an alarming thread but do you know colorectal cancer is one of the most preventable cancer? Here, find out what are the signs and symptoms and its prevention. Do not ignore the signs! Get a colonoscopy or a body check-up before it is too late.

Behavioural Eating


Watch video : Behavioural Eating

What Is Tuberculosis (TB)?


Taming The Tornado : Evoking The Relaxation Response Within


Colorectal Cancer : The Hidden Devil


BookDoc Webinar : Covid-19 Zoonosis

Watch video : Covid-19 : Zoonosis

Hari Bipolar Sedunia - 30 Mac 2021

Gangguan bipolar adalah penyakit kesihatan mental yg menyebabkan seseorang itu mengalami perubahan mood melampau sama ada terlalu gembira (mania) atau terlalu sedih.

Sempena Hari Bipolar Sedunia, bersama tingkatkan kesedaran dan hapuskan stigma sosial terhadap pesakit ini.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

What Is Stroke?

What is Stroke?

A stroke occurs when the blood supply to an area of the brain is cut off. The be fast test can help you remember what to do if you think someone may be having a stroke. Other signs of stroke include numbness on one side of the body, trouble seeing with both eyes, trouble walking, and sudden onset of a severe headache.

A routine health screening ensures that you stay in good health. Get it done today.

Covid-19 Vaccination In Pregnancy & Fertility


Monday, March 29, 2021

Adakah Dialisis Pengakhiran Hidup?


What Is Influenza?

Influenza an acute viral infection of the upper or lower respiratory tract that is marked by fever, chills, and a generalized feeling of weakness and pain in the muscles, together with varying degrees of soreness in the head and abdomen. It spreads from person to person in secretions of the nose and lungs for example when sneezing. People of all ages can be affected by the flu. However, some people are at higher risk than others such as children, pregnant women, adults 65 years old, and individuals who have weakened immune systems.

An annual seasonal influenza vaccine is the best way to help protect against flu. Vaccination has been shown to have many benefits including reducing the risk of flu illnesses, hospitalizations, and even the risk of flu-related death.

Apa Itu Potassium?

Potassium adalah garam mineral yang diperoleh daripada makanan. Potassium baik untuk kesihatan. Namun perlu diambil mengikut keperluan. Bagi yang menghadapi masalah kesihatan, dapatkan nasihat doktor atau pegawai dietetik.

Vaksinasi Covid-19 Ketika Hamil

Ibu hamil boleh mengambil vaksin Comirnaty Covid-19. Masa terbaik wanita hamil menerima vaksin adalah semasa kandungan berusia antara 14 hingga 33 minggu bagi membolehkan wanita hamil melengkapkan dos kedua sebelum bersalin.

Ibu menyusukan bayi digalakkan mengambil vaksin Comirnaty Covid-19. Kebarangkalian vaksin tersebut masuk ke dalam susu ibu sangat rendah. Vaksinasi ibu tidak melindungi bayi daripada jangkitan Covid-19. 

Vaksin : Fakta Atau Mitos?


Garam : Manfaat Atau Mudarat?


Watch video : Garam : Manfaat Atau Mudarat?

Pengurusan Berat Badan Norma Baharu

Nak turunkan berat tapi masih tertanya nak mulakan bagaimana. Jom cuba amalkan tip di bawah.

Kalau tak dapat amal semua, sekurang-kurangnya cuba amalkan mana yang mampu dahulu..ia lebih baik daripada tak cuba langsung.

Talking 'Life' With Mei Sze : How Our Immune System Plays A Role In Colorectal Cancer With Dr. John Low

How our immune system plays a role in colorectal cancer is something not many discuss and explored till recently. We will find out more about how relapses for colorectal cancer patients can be prevented with this new scientific method. We can refine the prognostic value and find out more about how our immune system plays a role in colorectal cancer with Dr.John Low, a medical oncologist.

Colonoscopy For Colorectal Cancer

The role of colonoscopy. Here’s what it is and what it does.

Cancer & I : Precision Medicine - Cancer Management Of The Future, Today.

It’s the finale of our Cancer & I series in conjunction with World Cancer Day. Our 10th and final session are in collaboration with Subang Jaya Medical Centre on Wednesday, 31 March at 7pm. Mark your calendars and join us!

Is Colorectal Cancer Hereditary?

One of the most frequently asked questions - is colorectal cancer hereditary?

Friday, March 26, 2021

Vaksin Covid-19 Untuk Pesakit Buah Pinggang

Soal Jawab Vaksinasi COVID-19 untuk pesakit buah pinggang.
  • Bolehkah pesakit buah pinggang menerima vaksin COVID-19?
  • Apakah jenis vaksin COVID-19 yang sesuai untuk pesakit buah pinggang?
  • Adakah terdapat lebih banyak kesan sampingan untuk pesakit buah pinggang selepas vaksinasi COVID-19?
  • Bilakah masa yang sesuai untuk pesakit buah pinggang menerima suntikan vaksin COVID-19?
  • Mengapa penerima pemindahan buah pinggang perlu tangguhkan dulu suntikan vaksin COVID-19?
  • Adakah vaksin COVID-19 berkesan kepada pesakit buah pinggang berbanding orang yang sihat?
Jawapannya semua di dalam infografik berikut.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Penyakit Tibi - Masih Membimbangkan


Watch video : Penyakit Tibi - Masih Membimbangkan

Targeted Therapy

Targeted Cancer Therapies are drugs that work similarly to chemotherapy, but they differ by blocking the growth of cancer cells by interfering with specific targeted molecules needed for tumour growth, rather than interfering with rapidly dividing cancerous cells seen in chemotherapy. It is also known as biologic therapy because most agents are biopharmaceuticals.

There are targeted therapies for colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer, breast cancer, multiple myeloma, lymphoma, prostate cancer, melanoma, and other cancers.

Targeted therapies are currently the focus of much anticancer drug development and many targeted therapies have been approved by the Food and Drug administration (FDA) to treat specific types of cancer.

Let's Understand Colon Cancer


Head & Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer can start in several places in the head and throat.

According to the CDC, this cancer can start:
- In the larynx (voice box).
- Inside and behind the nose.
- On the lips, although cancer of the lips is a type of skin cancer.
- In the glands that make saliva for the mouth, but that is relatively rare.
- In the mouth, including the tongue, gums, and roof of the mouth.
- In the sinuses (the space around the nose on the inside of the skull).
- Behind the mouth and throat (pharynx), which includes three parts called the nasopharynx, 
  oropharynx, and hypopharynx.

You can lower your risk of getting ENT cancer in several ways include:

- Stop smoking.
- Don’t use smokeless tobacco products.
- Limit the amount of alcohol consumption.
- Consider to get a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination.
- Use condoms and dental dams consistently and correctly during oral sex, which may help   
  lower the chances of getting human papillomavirus (HPV).
- Use lip balm that contains sunscreen and avoid indoor tanning.
- Visit the doctor regularly for early detection of head and neck cancers.

There are several signs and symptoms for ENT Cancer. You should consult a doctor if a lump in your neck persists for more than two weeks, is painless, and keeps growing. The symptoms are as follows:

- Lumps in the neck
- Nosebleeds
- A swelling, ulcer or sore area in the mouth
- Hoarseness in the voice
- Difficulty swallowing food
- Pain or blockage in the ear

Safe Cube Siri 3 : Apa Itu 'Self Care'?


Myeloma Symptoms

Multiple Myeloma can be difficult for some to detect early because the symptoms could be of many kinds of illnesses. Many cases of the disease are found during a routine blood test.

Nevertheless, knowing the symptoms may help you detect it before it becomes advanced. Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice any of the potential warning signs. Stay informed and share this with your loved ones.

Low Residue Diet : How Does It Work For Colorectal Cancer Patients?

As a colorectal cancer patient, what are the do’s and don'ts in your diet? Tune in to our live session with the experts from Beacon Hospital Aspen Nutrition Malaysia on 27 March, 10.30am to find out.

Itchy Skin? Stop Scratching!


Signs & Symptoms Of Chronic Kidney Disease


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Continuous Nursing Education Workshop : Part IV (Diabetes Mellitus)


Covid-19 Vs Tuberculosis (TB)

Tuberculosis or TB or affects almost ⅓ of the world’s population and has always been the worldwide leading cause of death from an infectious disease.

Both TB and Covid-19 are contagious, attack the lungs primarily, and have similar symptoms. The difference is that TB disease develops much more slowly (up to months or years after the body gets infected) than Covid-19, increasing its risks of being misdiagnosed or left untreated, which can be fatal.

BookDoc Webinar : How To Support Someone Who Had Suicidal Thought


Watch video: BookDoc Webinar : How To Support Someone Who Had Suicidal Thought

BookDoc Webinar : Covid-19 Kontak Kasual Vs Kontak Rapat


BookDoc Webinar : Ways To Manage Anger


Obesiti & Risiko Kanser

Hubungan antara obesiti dan risiko barah adalah jelas. Infografik ini menunjukkan jenis-jenis kanser dimana berlebihan lemak badan meningkatkan risiko anda mendapatkan serta langkah-langkah mudah yang boleh anda lakukan untuk mencegah obesiti, mengurangkan risiko barah anda dan menjaga berat badan yang sihat.