Friday, October 30, 2020

World Stroke Day 2020

A stroke happens when blood can’t flow to the brain — either because a clot is in the way or a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

Each year, nearly 14 million people worldwide will suffer a stroke. It is the leading cause of disability among adults, and the second leading cause of death worldwide.

Many people have misconceptions about stroke that may cause delays in seeking treatment, but time is very, very crucial when it comes to stroke treatment.

Today, on World Stroke Day, let's keep one another safe by raising awareness and checking up on our loved ones. Be equipped with the right information you need to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Covid-19 : Suhu Tepat Hanya Boleh Diambil Di Dahi

Suhu tepat hanya boleh diambil di dahi BUKA di tangan, telinga, hidung atau anggota badan lain.

Suhu normal bagi manusia ialah antara 36 hingga 37.5 darjah celcius dan lebih dari itu dikira demam.

Tip Penjagaan Kesejahteraan Kesihatan Mental Semasa Wabak/Pandemik Covid-19

Berikut merupakan tip penjagaan kesejahteraan kesihatan mental semasa pandemik COVID-19.

  • Jaga kata-kata dan pertuturan
  • Kekalkan hubungan dengan keluarga dan rakan-rakan
  • Jaga keperluan asas diri
  • Elakkan dari melakukan aktiviti tidak sihat
  • Lakukan aktiviti bermanfaat apabila berada di rumah
  • Lakukan senaman dan kekal aktif
  • Kongsi perasaan anda dengan orang yang anda percayai
Jangan asingkan diri ... kita boleh laluinya bersama.

Can Men Get Breast Cancer?

Can men get breast cancer? For more information, speak to us at 1800881000.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

5 Kaedah Masakan Sihat Di Rumah

Kita dah nak ke makan tengah hari sekejap lagi jadi admin cadangkan cuba ambil pemakanan sihat. 

Masak secara sihat seperti mengukus, mereneh dan memanggang adalah lebih mudah, ringkas dan sedap.

Pastikan minimakan juga penggunaan garam, gula, sos, serbuk perasa dan minyak.


 Petua untuk anda yang sering mengalami migrain.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Breast Cancer Awareness : Myth


What Is Breast Cancer?

Most people know someone who has breast cancer. But do you know how common the disease really is? According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, impacting 2.1 million women each year, and also causes the greatest number of cancer-related deaths among women. 

Breast cancer is a scary thought and all too many women assume that it won’t happen to them. Breast cancer can happen to anyone, at any age.

What is breast cancer? How does breast cancer start? What causes breast cancer?

Chronic Kidney Disease - What It Means To You

Chronic kidney disease is a major health concern in many countries affecting more than millions across the world and places a heavy burden on patients, their families, and the nation’s healthcare system. 

Chronic kidney failure, as opposed to acute kidney failure, is a slow and gradually progressive loss of kidney function over a period of several years. Eventually, a person will develop permanent kidney failure.

How The Unconscious Mind Ang My Past Memories Affect My Mood?

Memory is a funny thing, isn’t it? Whilst happy memories can leave us feeling nostalgic and grateful for having shared such moments with people, it is sadly the unhappy memories that we tend to dwell on more. When you’ve endured a lot of hardships in your time, reliving them is inevitable at some point or another. 

Just when you least expect it, hurtful comments you had to hear years ago or that relationship that didn’t go as plan start to slowly invade your mind. Unconscious fear-related memories can remain totally hidden from your conscious mind, yet they still have the ability to dramatically affect everyday behavior and emotions.

Where To Store Your Food : Pantry, Fridge, Countertop


Lawan Kanser Payudara Kala Pandemik : Apa Yang Anda Perlu Tahu!

 Watch video : Lawan kanser payudara kala pandemik : apa yang anda perlu tahu!

Monday, October 26, 2020

Lower Your Risk Of Developing Liver Cancer


Penjagaan Kesihatan Mulut Di Rumah Sewaktu Wabak Covid-19

Penjagaan kesihatan mulut di rumah sewaktu wabak COVID-19.
Amalan mudah namun besar impaknya!

Bicara Santai Sempena Minggu Kesedaran Pendermaan Organ 2020

Watch Video: Slot 1: Derma organ dalam Covid-19

Watch Video: Slot 2: Sharing is caring

Watch video: Slot 3: Derma organ, kacamata perspektif agama

Eat Right Live Strong In Busy Lives

Everyone eats to live. Wait, do you merely eat anything available just to stay full? Are there any diets that are cancer-friendly? We urge you to start to be health conscious while taking daily meals. Tune in for Krystal Ng, the Dietitian from National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM), guiding you on Eat Right Live Strong In Busy Lives Forum!

Should I Avoid Eating Foods Such As Soy And Flaxseeds If I Am Taking Tamoxifen

 True or false? Eating too much soy can trigger cancer.

Cruciferous Vegetables And Cancer

Cruciferous vegetables and cancer. Here’s what you need to know.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Penjarakan Fizikal Semasa Beriadah/Bersenam

 Jarak fizikal yang selamat ketika beriadah / bersenam di tempat awam.

  • Berjalan - 5 meter
  • Berlari dan berbasikal secara santai - 10 meter
  • Berbasikal secara laju - 20 meter
Tidak perlu pakai pelitup muka semasa bersenam.

Keadaan Klinikal Pesakit Covid-10 Semasa DiKesan

Berikut adalah hasil kajian Institut Penyelidikan Klinikal, KKM, melibatkan 5,889 pesakit ketika mereka dikesan positif #COVID19

1. 31.6% bergejala tetapi tiada radang paru-paru.
2. 13.6% mengalami radang paru-paru tanpa sesak nafas.
3. 3.5% radang paru-paru dengan sesak nafas.
4. 1.1% sakit tenat
5. 50.2% tidak bergejala.

Stress & Depression

Stres & kemurungan adalah gangguan emosi & tindak balas badan terhadap 'stressor'/tekanan dalam kehidupan harian. Masalah ini sering dipandang ringan malah difikirkan sebagai lemah dalam karakter. Namun, stres & kemurungan dapat sebenarnya dirawat untuk meningkatkan kualiti hidup seharian.

Watch video: Stress & depression

Myths & Facts About Acne

Skin problems, namely acne may have brought significant impact on teenagers & adults such as social withdraw due to low self-esteem. How can we help, or stop acne & breakouts? Is it by frequently washing our face with cleansing products? Will it turn better if we stop oily foods?

Breast & Cervical Cancer


Pemakanan Dan Kanser : Sempena Kempen "Pink Oktober"

 Watch video : Pemakanan dan kanser

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in Malaysia. Early detection can save lives as it is more likely to be treated successfully at the early stage!

Watch video : What is breast cancer? : Part 1

Watch video : What is breast cancer? : Part 2

Living Right To Prevent Breast Cancer

As we raise breast cancer awareness in this “Pink October” month, we hope to share you more comprehensive information on breast cancer, especially on its early detection and prevention.

Watch video : Living right to prevent breast cancer

What Is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis occurs without symptoms, until your bone becomes fragile enough to break easily from a minor fall, a bump, or even when you just SNEEZE!

Can osteoporosis be prevented? Yes, if you take action early!
Here are the dietary and lifestyle habits that you can take to build healthy bones and avoid osteoporotic fractures.

Join us together to protect your bones before it’s too late!