Thursday, March 25, 2021

Head & Neck Cancer

Head and neck cancer can start in several places in the head and throat.

According to the CDC, this cancer can start:
- In the larynx (voice box).
- Inside and behind the nose.
- On the lips, although cancer of the lips is a type of skin cancer.
- In the glands that make saliva for the mouth, but that is relatively rare.
- In the mouth, including the tongue, gums, and roof of the mouth.
- In the sinuses (the space around the nose on the inside of the skull).
- Behind the mouth and throat (pharynx), which includes three parts called the nasopharynx, 
  oropharynx, and hypopharynx.

You can lower your risk of getting ENT cancer in several ways include:

- Stop smoking.
- Don’t use smokeless tobacco products.
- Limit the amount of alcohol consumption.
- Consider to get a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination.
- Use condoms and dental dams consistently and correctly during oral sex, which may help   
  lower the chances of getting human papillomavirus (HPV).
- Use lip balm that contains sunscreen and avoid indoor tanning.
- Visit the doctor regularly for early detection of head and neck cancers.

There are several signs and symptoms for ENT Cancer. You should consult a doctor if a lump in your neck persists for more than two weeks, is painless, and keeps growing. The symptoms are as follows:

- Lumps in the neck
- Nosebleeds
- A swelling, ulcer or sore area in the mouth
- Hoarseness in the voice
- Difficulty swallowing food
- Pain or blockage in the ear