Wednesday, September 9, 2020

SOCSO's Health Screening Program

What is SOCSO's Health Screening Program?

The SOCSO Health Screening Program (HSP) is a new benefit provided by SOCSO with the purpose of promoting healthy lifestyles and identifying high-risk groups of workers with non-communicable diseases.

The real drive behind the Health Screening Program is due to the rising number of workers who are certified to be invalid due to lifestyle diseases (34% from invalidity pension reported and 49% from survivors` pension reported). With the health screening program, workers will be able to identify their risk of such diseases and seek proper treatment to avoid sickness and complications. Such intervention would stimulate a positive impact which promotes retention of experienced workers and increase of productivity which will directly create a vibrant business environment and stimulate the nation’s economy.


a) Promote healthy culture and awareness of the non-communicable diseases;
b) Early detection of the non-communicable disease;
c) Prevents disability and death due to non-communicable diseases;
d) Prevents the loss of income due to non-communicable diseases;
e) Improving human capital resource and productivity through a vibrant business environment and stimulate the nation’s economy.

Who is eligible for Health Screening Programs?

SOCSO will provide health screening for all active workers aged 40 years and above. The Health Screening Program will be offered continuously to enable all future workers to attain the age of 40 to benefit from this program.

Where can this screening be done?

The screening can be done at our registered panel clinics. The list of our panels can be obtained through

How do the vouchers distribute?

The vouchers will be distributed through employers and the employers will distribute the voucher to their employees.

What should the worker do when he/she receives the voucher?

The employee need to submit the voucher to the HSP panel clinic. Steps should be taken:-

a) The employer or employees can check the list of HSP panel clinic through SOCSO’s sehat portal at ;

b) Make an appointment with your selected panel clinic;

c) Employee should bring together the voucher to the HSP panel clinic;

d) For mammogram screening, the panel doctor will refer the employee to the Mammogram Centre for screening.