Monday, December 21, 2020

General Monitoring Blood Pressure

Having to monitor your blood pressure regularly at home is an important step in managing high blood pressure.

No matter what type of blood pressure monitor you choose for home use, it may take some training and practice before you learn how to use it correctly.

Make sure to do the following:

1- Measure your blood pressure twice daily.
2- Avoid food, beverages containing caffeine (tea or coffee), cigarettes or exercising for 30 
    minutes before taking a reading.
3- Empty your bladder before taking a reading.
4- Sit straight on chair.
5- Place the cuff on your bare arm.
6- Sit quietly before and during monitoring.
7- Take another reading 1 to 3 minutes after the first reading to check accuracy. If you notice 
     unusual or persistent increase in your blood pressure, consult with your doctor.